Saturday, October 21, 2000

How easily we, the 'net society, get sidetracked. Earlier this week we saw a house finch at one of the feeders, with one side of its head grossly distorted by some disease. We've read about finch eye disease in the past, and I wanted to find out more about it. So, I fired up Copernic and entered "bird eye disease" as a search phrase. Copernic shipped it off to the 15 or so search engines, and gave me a limited subset of the hits. Search engines being the fuzzy beasties they are, I got more than a few tangential hits, including THE NECROFILE: Martha Stewart Disease. Scant seconds later I got sucked into the Necrofile index perusing oddities like The Resurrection of the Cock. So much for "real" work.

(By the way, I actually did get a useful hit at the Nebraska Cooperative Extension web site. Better than some times...)


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