Wednesday, January 10, 2001

I cleaned my keyboard last night, using a wildly over-priced kit from CompuUSA: ReadRight's "KeyboardKleen". It includes a bottle of "specially formulated" cleaning solution, a small can of compressed air, and some foam-rubber pads. The cleaning solution is probably mostly alcohol and the compressed air is good for only a few full passes of the keyboard. The only thing worthwhile is the pads - they're squashed mostly flat so they'll more easily fit between the keys.

Most of the gunk on the keys was finger spooge, and I noticed that some keys had more crud on them than others. You can tell I'm a solitaire-playing mainframe programmer, because the F2, F3, F7, F8, and F9 keys were the worst. F2 is the "new game" key in Microsoft Windows solitaire games. F3 is the "exit" key, F7 and F8 are scrolling keys, and F9 is the "swap window" key, when using IBM's OS/390 online system, TSO.

Oh, and my "d" key is still sticking, even after removing the cat, dog, and people hairballs.


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