Tuesday, September 19, 2000

It should be easy to remember after all these times that working in the kitchen is the surest way to calm me down and get me back on track. I wandered around the supermarket today on day 1 of marketing for meals for my guests. Dominick's is in the process of moving everything, seemingly on a daily basis. Back and forth, back and forth, up and down, cursing, swearing at myself, grumbling, arguing. $181 later, more of the same trying to figure out how to get it all in the refrigerator. Finally, at about 7 p.m. I began to make the soups - first the potato-leek, since the leeks had to be trimmed right away, then the squash-corn chowder, and finally the celery-blue cheese. The potato-leek soup is a snap to make and for once I had a light touch with the herbs, in this case fresh tarragon. Unexpectedly delightful! I hadn't prepared the squash-corn chowder since 1995, when chemotherapy robbed my enjoyment of this sweet comfort food. Of course, I didn't realize I had no thyme (I still don't believe it) or bay leaves, so I scrambled for the substitutions book - and guess what? You can substitute thyme for bay leaves! What to substitute for thyme, though? Savory. Finally something I actually had in the cupboard. When it was finished I cautiously took a spoonful. Damn it's good! Very, very good. The celery soup is a well-known taste, though it's far better when Mike makes it, which probably has a lot to do with his measuring everything and likely not eating a spoonful of the blue cheese before it goes in the soup. All three soups were in the refrigerator by 9:30 p.m. Record time. What's so hard about cooking?


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